tell me something true

Remember anything.

What does it make you feel? What are the images which comprise the memory? What are the sounds? Is there a flavor? A scent? What is the dominant color? Is the light artificial? Is the scene in motion? Does the memory proceed by your narration to yourself? Is there any ambient sound? Does any part threaten to pull you away to some other memory? Any that you want to forget? Are there recognizable textures? Can you reach out, into your memory, to touch and feel anything?

Does any part of your body flashback with you? Do you resist it? Does it work?

Is there any noticeable weather? Is it relevant?

Do you remember the date? The time?

Were you hungry? Thirsty? Longing? Inebriated? In love? In pain?

What were you doing with your hands?

Was your pulse quick? Was your breath short?

Were you alone?

Who were you?

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